When the Doorbell Rang (Arabic)

On the first day of Ramadan after Iftar the electricity is suddenly cut off, and in the darkness Nagham's family hears the sound of a drum from afar followed by knocking on the door. Who can it be?
  • Age Group - 4 to 8 years
  • Pages - 32
  • Size - 24cm x 21 cm
  • Book Type - Paperback
  • Language - Arabic

Parent and Teacher Notes:

Social and family customs and rituals are an important part in a child’s life. The month of Ramadan is especially important because during the holy month of Ramadan the life of a child is totally turned upside down. 
Sometimes parents assume that the child knows what Ramadan is all about and do not bother to explain. A book about Ramadan is a great way to introduce and prepare children for the coming occasion. It gives parents and teachers the chance to talk about the rituals, and values of the month such as; the fasting, the giving to the poor, the family getting together, breaking the fast, waking up early morning to prepare for the fast. 

All these important aspects are woven in the story narrative, in a mixture of reality, fantasy, suspense and humor the story of “When the door bell rang” unfolds. 
The story starts when Nagham invites her friend Raya to help her make the Ramadan lanterns with the family. Nagham reminds her friend that she had helped her decorate the Christmas tree. The child is indirectly encouraged to celebrate his/her own rituals and feasts while respecting the rituals of others.