First Day of School (Arabic)

Raneem is excited and eager for her first day of school. But slowly her fears and uncertainty start to mount only to culminate when her Mom leaves her in school. Raneem finds out that school is a fun place to be in and is reassured in the end when she is reunited with her mother.
  • Age Group - 3 years +
  • Pages - 20
  • Size - 21cm x 21 cm
  • Book Type - Paperback
  • Language - Arabic

Parent and Teacher Notes:

Going to school for the first time is a big deal for both parents and children. Preparing a child well for this important event in his/her life is of vital importance. The best way to do this is through a story. 
“The first Day of school” shows the mixed feeling that Raneem has about going to school. On the one hand she is excited but on the other she is scared. Her worst fear and anxiety stem from fear of separation from her mother.
This story acknowledges these feelings, and at the same time shows all the fun activities in school. At the end of the story the child is reassured that the mother will return to pick her/him up