The Fairy House - Fairies to the Rescue (Greek)


Katie wishes she could spend all her time playing with her new fairy friends and helping them with their fairy task. But the bully from school, Tiffany, is making Katie do her homework. On Saturday Tiffany is coming over and Katie will have to write a fairy tale for her! Just when Tiffany leaves and Katie thinks the worst is over, she realizes that Tiffany stole her dollhouse -- and Daisy was still in it! Rosehip, Bluebell, and Snowdrop go with Katie to get Daisy back. Together they'll save their friend -- and they might just teach Katie how to stand up for herself, too!

  • Age Group - 8 to 10 years
  • Pages - 106
  • Size - 14cm x 20.5cm
  • Book Type - Paperback
  • Language - Greek